Support us Current Appeals Waqf Fund Donate You can also leave a gift as a legacy after you die – click here to find out more. When ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab acquired a piece of land, he asked Prophet Muhammad ﷺ how best to use it. The Prophet ﷺ advised him to establish it as Waqf, and give its profit as charity. Muslims use Waqf to build schools, hospitals and mosques, as well as to help the poor and needy. You can do this by donating a portion of your property assets or savings to the Mosque’s Waqf Fund. This will help the Mosque become self-sustainable. The Mosque will use its Waqf Fund for halal investments, for example in properties. The funds generated can be used to help sustain the projects and services for the community. You can make a secure donation to the Waqf Fund right now, either by card, or choose the option to set up a regular monthly amount. If you are a UK taxpayer, please don’t forget to choose the Gift Aid option when you make your donation. We will use any Gift Aid collected for our general charity costs. Please select a donation amount (required) £100 £500 Other Set up a regular payment Donate Manage Cookie Preferences