The East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre is pleased to announce that 1 Ramadan 1444 is on Thursday 23 March 2023.

The first Tarawih prayers will be on the evening of Wednesday, 22 March. Our Ramadan Timetable is available here.

Start Ramadan with the intention to become a better person! This is a time to be grateful to Allah. Why not begin with the gift of Sadaqah, knowing that charity wipes away our sins?

Give Sadaqah now or Automate your Ramadan donations

Tarawih Imams @ELM

The following Imams will be leading Tarawih prayers at the Mosque:

• Shaykh Hazem Saif (Egypt)
• Shaykh Saud Nafi Al-Enezi (Madinah)
• Shaykh Mohamed Fathi Mohamed Ali (Egypt)
• Shaykh Syed Anisul Haque (UK)

Iftar @ELM

We host over 500 people a day for Iftar meals at the London Muslim Centre.

If you’re in London, why not join the thousands who tune in every evening to break their fast by listening live to our Adhan for Maghrib? Bookmark our live audio page so you can listen on you phone or PC; or, if you have Alexa, click here!

Insha’Allah, we will continue to provide Iftar to the needy locally and overseas through out Iftar fund.

You, too can share in the great reward for feeding those who have been fasting, simply click this link:

I would like to provide an Iftar meal

Itikaf @ELM

Applications for Itikaf are open online until 26 March 2023. As we always receive many, many more applications than the places available, a public draw will be conducted after Tarawih on Friday, 31 March 2023, insha’Allah.

Zakat al-Fitr and Zakah

You can give your Zakat al-Fitr online from the beginning of Ramadan – please do this as early as possible so that it can reach the needy in time for Eid. Our target is to collect by the 20th of Ramadan so that we can send it through our charity partners, insha’Allah.

Many people choose Ramadan to give their Zakah. You can do this at any time online here using our website.

May Allah bless us all this Ramadan!