News & Islam News Gallup poll reflects British Muslims Gallup poll shows strong religious identities doesn't prevent national support. Friday 8th May 2009 We believe the findings of the Gallup and Coexist Foundation global study on interfaith relations is true reflection of Muslims in Britain today. The poll shows that the 82% of British Muslims are identify themselves as loyal to this country with 89% of British Muslims believe it is necessary to learn English to live here and 84% feel it is necessary to celebrate national holidays to aid integration. According to the poll British Muslims are more likely than other populations surveyed to identify strongly with their nation, and to express stronger confidence in its democratic institutions while preserving a high degree of religious identity. This suggests that having a strong religious identity does not prevent from people relating to their nation's culture and society. Secretary of the Mosque, Ayub Khan, welcomed the report saying, "This report shows the positive Muslim participation in British society and culture, which is true of the many Muslims living in the UK. The East London Mosque is at the forefront of working with Muslims and non-Muslims to improve participation and integration. With our ever expanding services and projects which serve the community, we look to continue to encourage integration, co-operation and participation with mainstream society." ENDS Notes for Editors The East London Mosque has over 30 projects and services designed to enrich and improve the community. For information on these please visit The Poll is part of The Gallup Coexist Index 2009: A Global Study of Interfaith Relations. Further details can be found at: For more information please contact Mohammad Shakir on 020 7650 3006 or email [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences