Thursday 4th March 2010

The East London Mosque would like to congratulate all the partners in The Big Read on breaking the world record for the number of children reading with an adult, held today at the London Muslim Centre.

The record now stands at 3,234 children reading with an adult, which was verified by a team from Guinness World Records.

We would like to thank everyone who took part, especially the local schools whose teachers and pupils made this such a success, all the guest readers who entertained the children by reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and all those who volunteered to help make this possible.

Chairman of the London Muslim Centre Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari who also read at the event, was amazed to see children of all ages come together to take part to break the record.

“I have had the privilege to take part by reading today to a boy who was let out of his hospital bed to come here and take part. To have children from schools from all over London, from different backgrounds to come together and read a book shows how wonderful and powerful something simple as reading can be. We are proud to have been part of breaking this record.”


For more information please contact Mohammad Shakir on 020 7650 3006 or email [email protected]