11 Sept 2023 – The East London Mosque is deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake that struck Morocco on Friday and has claimed nearly 2,500 lives so far and left thousands more injured or displaced from their homes. Our hearts go out to all affected by this tragedy, especially families who have lost loved ones.

Our prayers are with everyone impacted, including those waiting desperately for news of missing family and friends. Access remains extremely difficult, with roads blocked by boulders.

Reports of entire villages reduced to ruins are agonising. We stand ready to work with all governmental and aid agencies to mobilise assistance and resources from British Muslim communities and beyond.

This devastating earthquake – the deadliest in Morocco in six decades – has impacted millions. 

We will work closely with our charity partners to help deliver aid to devastated regions caused by the earthquake.

Support the victims of the Earthquake

Ways to Donate:
Online – Mosque website
In person – at the Mosque with cash or card
Bank – HSBC, Acc 91681966, SC: 40-02-33, Ref: Morocco