UPDATE: 20 Feb 2023 – Türkiye's southern province of Hatay has been struck by two earthquakes, measuring 6.4 and 5.8 magnitude this evening, causing terror in a region already devastated by twin quakes just two weeks ago. People are living in fear and desperation.

The East London Mosque has raised tens of thousands in the last two weeks and has already distributed the funds through our charity partners* whilst also allowing more charity collections to take place at the Mosque so that more money can be raised to help earthquake victims.

Please donate generously to the relief efforts to provide food, shelter, and medical assistance to the affected communities. Your contribution can significantly alleviate their suffering and restore their hope for a better tomorrow, insha’Allah.

*Charities who raised funds at the Mosque:

  • Islamic Relief             £32,780
  • East London Mosque £27,500
  • Sincere Giving           £4,200
  • Muslim Aid                £4,200
  • Global Relief Trust     £4,360
  • Al Khair Foundation   £13,600
  • Seven Spikes            £7,147
  • Abdullah Aid             £3,515
  • Human Appeal          £3,400

10 Feb 2023 – London, UK

The East London Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the UK, has so far raised £60,000 in donations to support earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria.

The devastating earthquakes, which struck both countries on Monday, have sadly taken the lives of over 20,000 thousand people, caused widespread damage and left thousands homeless. In partnership with Islamic Relief, Diyanet UK and other UK charity partners, the East London Mosque has been working to provide aid to those affected by the earthquakes. A fundraising collection took place after Friday prayers with Islamic Relief today after a passionate plea for donations by Islamic Relief’s UK Director, Tufail Hussain.

Ümit Yalçın, Turkish Ambassador to the UK, sent a message of support which was read out after the Friday prayers. However, he commended the East London Mosque and the community for its efforts in trying to help fundraise. “I am touched by the compassion of our sisters and brothers in the UK, especially from the East London Mosque, for collecting funds to aid the survivors of the recent earthquakes.”

"We are truly touched by the generosity of our community, who have come together in their time of need to support our brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria," said Dr Abdullah Faliq, a Trustee for the East London Mosque who has been coordinating with charity partners in Türkiye and Syria. "Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this tragedy, and we hope these donations will help make an impact in their lives after having lost everything. 

The East London Mosque will continue to fundraise for earthquake victims in the coming weeks to ensure more vital aid can reach those who need it through its charity partners.


We send your donations through our charity partners to aid the earthquake victims – please give whatever you can afford at this time of great need.

Notes to Editors:

  • The East London Mosque, located in the heart of East London, is one of the UK's largest and most well-known mosques. It serves as a hub for Muslim communities and offers various religious and community services, including education, worship, and charitable activities.

  • Ümit Yalçın, Turkish Ambassador to the UK, full letter to the East London Mosque reads:

Dear Dr Abdullah Faliq,

Assalamu alaykum

I am thankful for your kind message. I am also touched by the compassion of our sisters and brothers in the UK, especially from the East London Mosque, for collecting funds to aid the survivors of the recent earthquakes.

As you could imagine, we are going through a sad and taxing period. Despite our tragic losses, my Embassy and I have buried our grief in our hearts and devoted all our time to organise the countless appeals for sending rescue teams and aid to Türkiye.

In that regard, we are extremely grateful for all the assistance that is being provided by the East London Mosque and the wider British Muslim community.

Your message and the continued aid by our sisters and brothers, foremost by Islamic Relief, have been a great boost to our morale and a tremendous impetus for us to double our efforts.

I wish you heartfelt success for this upcoming Friday.

Ümit Yalçın


Turkish Embassy in London