The East London Mosque recognises the momentous decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and congratulates South Africa in its victory over Israel in the genocide case. 

The judgement by the world’s highest legal authority that Israel is plausibly committing genocide against Palestinians, underlines the utter horror and devastation in Gaza. 

Achieving compliance with the six provisional measures issued by the ICJ, demanding Israel take “all measures within its power to prevent the commission” of genocidal acts, cannot be accomplished without an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

We renew our call for a permanent ceasefire. 

Israel must not only prevent genocide, as the ICJ judgement demands, the ruling also imposes legal obligations upon all other signatories to the Genocide Convention, including the UK. 

We call on the British government and governments worldwide to carry out their legal obligations under the Genocide Convention to prevent further loss of civilian lives and ensure protection for the 1.9 million displaced Palestinians in Gaza.

Finally we congratulate South Africa for its leadership in bringing this case forward and succeeding in upholding international law. This landmark ruling vindicates the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and paves the way for justice and accountability.