Apr 2023 – Alhamdulillah, the East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre received an award from the Turkish Ambassador to the UK for its vital support for earthquake victims.

The recognition award was presented by MUSIAD UK and received by Syed Tohel Ahmed, Trustee of the East London Mosque.

Ümit Yalçın, Turkish Ambassador to the UK, sent a message of support which was read out after the Friday prayers, commending the East London Mosque and the community for their efforts: “I am touched by the compassion of our sisters and brothers in the UK, especially from the East London Mosque, for collecting funds to aid the survivors of the recent earthquakes.”

The East London Mosque has raised over £100k. It has already distributed the funds through its charity partners, whilst also allowing more charity collections to take place at the Mosque during Ramadan to raise more money to help earthquake victims.

Read here for the previous update and to support the earthquake victims:
👉 www.eastlondonmosque.org.uk/News/east-london-mosque-raises-60000-in-donations

We would like to thank our congregation for your continued incredible show of support and generosity to the Mosque in our mission to Serve, Educate & Inspire.