News & Islam News ELM update – 4 April 2020 So indeed, with the hardship, there is relief; Indeed, with the hardship, there is relief {Qur'an 94:5–6} Live talks, Q&A and more… We’re regularly broadcasting live talks and Q&A sessions by our Imams, and posting videos – check this page for details of our live platforms, follow us for the latest updates on our Facebook page, or get the latest programme information from our Telegram. Advice, support & counselling Support line – regular social support via the telephone for people who are living alone or in isolation (Bangla and English), if you need someone to talk to. Imam consultations – our Imams will be available via telephone lines to give spiritual guidance and advice. Bilingual staff members (Arabic and Bengali) can assist with translation and practical support in making online applications to external agencies. Call 020 7650 3000 (11am to 7pm); please be patient at busy times if you’re waiting for a response. The Maryam Centre line – 020 7650 3022 – is also open at the same time for women who prefer to speak to another woman. Our counselling page has helpful information, including details of mental health crisis support from external agencies (men and women). Delivering food and medicine to those in need Our staff and volunteers are out in the community delivering essential supplies and medicine to those in need, a service which is greatly appreciated by the many Muslims and non-Muslims they’re helping. You can find out more and give your support here. Will-writing service continues The will-writing service provided by Farani-Taylor is still available during this coronavirus pandemic – find out more here. Self-isolation support For those in our local community who need self-isolation support, you can make an online request to Tower Hamlets Council here: Funerals and bereavement services Non-coronavirus bereavements: Haji Taslim Funeral Service on 020 7247 2625 or 020 7247 9583 Coronavirus bereavements: Gardens of Peace cemetery on 020 8502 6000 Eternal Gardens cemetery on 0800 211 8569 End of life care and bereavement support Eden Care befriending and advocacy for end of life and the terminally ill: Muslim Bereavement Support Service: Emergency appeal for burial resources In preparation for the sadly expected increase in the number of Muslim deaths, we have launched an emergency appeal to buy facilities, resources and give support for Muslim burials – more details and an opportunity to help here. Please help the Mosque with your sadaqah We need your continued support to keep our services going, please make a donation however small. O you who believe! Spend of that with which We have provided for you, before a Day comes when there will be no bargaining, nor friendship, nor intercession. {Qur’an 2:254} Please select a donation amount (required) £10 £30 £100 Other Set up a regular payment Donate Manage Cookie Preferences