9 Sep 2022 – The vaccination clinic in the LMC has now closed. You can use the links below to find alternative locations.

The East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre is working with Tower Hamlets Council & Barts Health to run vaccination clinics every Monday and Tuesday, for anyone over the age of 18.

First dose and second dose of Pfizer are available, plus boosters for those eligible.

You can simply walk in without an appointment. If you prefer, you can book an appointment using either of these links:



or by calling the Tower Hamlets vaccination helpline on 020 7364 3030 (Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm)

LMC vaccination opening times: 10am to 5pm, every Monday and Tuesday

Please come to Entrance 2 on Fieldgate Street, E1 1JU

You do not need to be registered with a GP, or show any documentation – the vaccine is free & available to everyone