On 13 September 2023, members of the Senior Citizens Project at the East London Mosque visited Victoria Park in Tower Hamlets. 

Our respected elders engaged in various activities, including strolls, ball games, and sightseeing, followed by a delightful communal lunch. It proved to be an enjoyable day filled with fun and games, aimed at promoting their physical well-being and fostering meaningful connections with their cherished friends.

👉 If you or someone you know, is interested in participating in our Senior Citizens Project, kindly reach out to us for further information on [email protected] or call 020 7650 3033

The East London Mosque’s Senior Citizens Project provides essential services for elderly members of the local community. This promotional video highlights the luncheons, outings, and other activities organised by the project that allow seniors to socialise and stay active.

The Senior Citizens Project is entirely funded by donations. Your support helps us continue providing these vital services and events for the elderly.

Please consider donating to the East London Mosque today to help our Senior Citizens Project continue its great work: www.eastlondonmosque.org.uk/donate

Every little bit helps us serve hot meals at our luncheons, organise day trips and activities, and run community outreach programmes for isolated seniors.

Jazakum Allahu Khayran for supporting the East London Mosque’s Senior Citizens Project!