11 July 2023 – On the occasion of Srebrenica Genocide Funeral and Memorial Day, the East London Mosque (ELM) solemnly commemorates the 28th anniversary of the genocide, in which over 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were murdered. In honouring the thousands that were killed, we express our unwavering solidarity with the survivors, the families of victims and reaffirm our commitment to standing up against hatred, intolerance and prejudice.

We reflect upon the worst atrocity on European soil since the Second World War. It reminds us of the importance of remaining vigilant against the forces of hate that seek to sow enmity and division.

For a quarter of a century, the ELM has stood hand-in-hand with the survivors and their families, advocating for justice, truth, and remembrance. We have witnessed their pain, their resilience, and their tireless efforts to ensure that the world never forgets the atrocities committed in Srebrenica and beyond.

On this solemn day, we join people around the world in honouring the lives lost in Srebrenica. We remember their names, their stories, and the dreams they held for a better future. Their memory will forever serve as a reminder of the importance of upholding human rights, fostering compassion, and working tirelessly towards justice and peace.

Forget not Srebrenica