21 July 2022

The East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre is disappointed that some in the Conservative Party are still reticent to engage with the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) generally and with Zara Mohammed specifically, the first female elected leader of a faith-based national organisation, ahead of its leadership elections, as reported in the Daily Mail’s inflammatory article  of 17 July 2022. This is in stark contrast to the publicly stated “fresh start” which has hitherto been pledged by all Conservative Party leadership candidates.

Consensus-building dialogue and meaningful engagement are vital for creating respect and meeting the needs of all communities. The immense contributions made by British Muslims for the common good ought to be celebrated, and their political involvement pro-actively sought.

Attempts by some in the Conservative Party to delegitimise and marginalise Muslims, against the backdrop of the leadership campaign, are divisive, and serve only to create a culture of intolerance that further fans the flames of Islamophobia.

We hope the next leader of the Conservative Party, as Britain’s Prime Minster, will promote positive engagement with the MCB, the largest Muslim umbrella body in the UK, and with Britain’s Muslim community.
