Stay Connected to the East London Mosque this Ramadan.

Ramadan is a time of spiritual vigour – every one of us no matter the level of religiosity feel a sense of spiritual renewal and energy that they put forward into their ‘Ibadah (worship). In this time, we visit the Mosque more, listen to more Islamic talks, do extra good deeds and give up sinful behaviour all for the sake of Allah.

This year, the mosques are open for Ramadan! However, as gatherings other than prayer is not yet permitted, we decided to bring the Mosque to you.

Introducing Ramadan Online – a series of talks, shows and connecting you with the heart of what Ramadan is all about; ‘Ibadah, Qur’an, God-consciousness and community. With a varied program, a range of shows, an array of speakers and an assortment of topics covered, you can rest assured there’s something for everyone.

Start the day on a high with Qur’an and Dhikr early in the morning followed by reminders, talks and shows peppered throughout the day and end the day by listening to melodious recitation in our Tarawih live-stream followed by even more beautiful Qira’ah from past reciters we’ve had at ELM.

Don’t worry, it's all recorded so if you miss anything, you can find it on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. Make sure you follow us on social media and #StayConnected to your ELM!

> Download the Ramadan Online Programme

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