By Shaykh Abdul Qayum | 16 Aug 2024

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

As we reach the midway point of the summer holiday, I dedicated this week’s khutbah to the importance of using our recreational time wisely. Many of us are blessed with a break from our usual routines, and it’s crucial that we make the most of this gift from Allah. I wanted to share some thoughts on how we can balance rest, family time, and our faith during the last few days of the summer holiday and going forward.

Our faith teaches us the value of balance in all aspects of life – work, worship, and rest. Let me remind you of a story that always touches my heart, about Hanzala, one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. One day, Hanzala came to the Prophet ﷺ feeling very worried. He said he felt like a hypocrite because when he was praying or remembering Allah, he felt so close to his faith. But when he was with his family, he found himself caught up in worldly matters. Does this sound familiar to any of you?

The Prophet’s ﷺ response is a lesson for all of us. He said, “O Hanzala, there is a time for this and a time for that.” What a relief, right? This famous Hadith teaches us that it’s okay, even necessary, to have time for both worship and our worldly needs. Both can be ways of pleasing Allah if we approach them with the right intention.

There’s another story that really drives this point home. It’s about Salman Al-Farisi and his friend Abu Ad-Darda. Abu Ad-Darda was so focused on praying all night that he was neglecting his wife and even his own health. When Salman told him to take it easy, Abu Ad-Darda got upset. They went to the Prophet ﷺ to sort it out, and guess what? The Prophet ﷺ agreed with Salman. He told Abu Ad-Darda, “Your family has a right over you, and your body has a right over you. So give everyone their due right.”

So, what does all this mean for our holiday time? Firstly, it means we shouldn’t feel guilty about taking a break. Even sleep can be rewarded when we do it with the right intention. One of the companions once said, “I hope to be rewarded for my sleep as I am rewarded for my night prayer.” Isn't that a beautiful thought?

Now, let’s talk about how to make the most of our time off. You know the saying, “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail” – it applies here too. Without a plan, we often end up at the end of our holiday, wondering where all the time went.

Here are some ideas for you:

  1. Why not take a trip somewhere? It could be to the seaside, the mountains, or even to visit family in your home country. When we travel, we see the amazing creation of Allah. The Qur’an tells us, “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth are signs for those of understanding.”
  2. Spend quality time with your family. Have meals together, do fun activities, create an atmosphere where your kids actually want to hang out with you. Trust me, it’s possible!
  3. If your parents are still with us, use this time to show them extra care. Help around the house, make them a cup of tea, sit and talk with them. These are acts of worship too.
  4. Have real conversations with your family. Share stories from your life, talk about your experiences. Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable opening up. And yes, have some fun! Our faith allows us to enjoy ourselves in halal ways. As Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “Give rest to these hearts, for they become blind if forced to work constantly.”

To the parents, remember that the Qur’an tells us to protect our families from the Fire. But this protection isn’t just about lectures or rules. It’s about building real connections with our children.

And to the young people listening, cherish your time with your parents. One day, they won’t be here anymore, and you’ll miss the chance to serve them and learn from them. So take the initiative – spend time with them, help out at home, have those deep conversations. These are all ways of worshipping Allah.

As we enjoy our holidays, let’s remember that rest and family time aren’t against our faith. In fact, when we approach them with the right intention, they’re encouraged. So let’s use this time to strengthen our bonds with our loved ones, recharge ourselves, and grow in our appreciation of Allah’s blessings.

May Allah help us use our time wisely, keep balance in our lives, and bless us with strong, loving families.


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