20 Oct 2023 — As Gaza enters its third agonizing week under Israeli bombardment, the East London Mosque (ELM) stands in unequivocal solidarity with the victims.

We are greatly pained by the loss of over 4,000 lives, including 1,500 children. We are also shocked by the gruesome bombing of the Church of England’s Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, which killed 500 people. Under Israeli bombardment, Gaza’s Palestinian Christians and Muslims are facing immense suffering.

We strongly support calls for an immediate ceasefire and the opening of humanitarian corridors before the death toll climbs higher. The international community must shake off its apathy and speak out strongly to avoid further death and destruction.

Here in London, we are heartened to see a groundswell of passion for justice and human rights filling the streets. This community will not stay silent while the siege and slaughter continues. We encourage worshippers to add their voices at peaceful demonstrations demanding peace, dignity and freedom for the people of Palestine.

Follow ELM’s guidelines on expressing solidarity with Palestine and read the thoughtful advice of our Imam.

But as we stand in solidarity, we must remain vigilant against those who seek to exploit this crisis to spread hatred against any community. We urge everyone to remain vigilant to any hate crime and report incidences of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism to the relevant authorities.

🔗 Read a blog by Imam Muzzammil: Processing the Pain from Palestine

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